
AI-driven service experience solution

Aisera offers the industry’s first proactive, personalized, and predictive AI service management (AISM) solution that automates 65%–80% of operations and support for IT, HR, Sales, Operations, and Customer Service, making businesses and customers successful by offering consumer-like self-service resolutions. Aisera’s innovative, unsupervised NLP-based Conversational AI and RPA solutions offer the world’s first scalable, personalized, proactive, and secure AI self-service experience—enabling unprecedented user satisfaction across requests, business processes, tasks, and workflows. Customers achieve dramatic self-service rates of 65%–80% to help reduce support desk costs by 70% or more for tools, licenses, and resources. Aisera integrates smoothly and intuitively with Zendesk, Salesforce, ServiceNow, and JIRA to create outstanding business value for such enterprises as Zoom, Amgen, McAfee, Autodesk, Chegg,, 8x8, SAIC, and others.



Founded 2017



Palo Alto, California